21. März 1887 - 15:30 - The Racecourse - Wrexham - Wales - British Championship 1887 - Zuschauer: 2000


Wales - Schottland 0:2 (0:1)


0:1 William Robertson 40'

0:2 Johnny Marshall 80'


Wales: James Trainer (Bolton Wanderers FC, Bolton), Alfred Davies (Swifts FC, Slough), Jack Powell (K)(Newton Heath LYR FC, Manchester), Robert Roberts (Bolton Wanderers FC, Bolton), James Morris (Oswestry FC, Oswestry), Tom Burke (Newton Heath LYR FC, Manchester), John Chalien (Corinthians FC, London), Dick Jones (Bangor FC, Bangor), William Pryce-Jones (Cambridge University AFC, Cambridge), Billy Lewis (Bangor FC, Bangor), Jack Doughty (Newton Heath LYR FC, Manchester)


Schottland: James McAuley (K)(Dumbarton FC, Dumbarton), Walter Arnott (Queen's Park FC, Glasgow), John Forbes (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria), Leitch Keir (Dumbarton FC, Dumbarton), John Auld (3rd Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers FC, Glasgow), Bob Kelso (Renton FC, Renton), William Robertson (Dumbarton FC, Dumbarton), James McCall (Renton FC, Renton), John Allan (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), Johnny Marshall (3rd Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers FC, Glasgow), Bill Sellar (Battlefield FC, Glasgow).


Schiedsrichter: Alfred Hull (Liverpool, England)

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