02. März 1878 - 15:30 - Hampden Park - Glasgow - Schottland - Freundschaftsspiel - Zuschauer: 10000


Schottland - England 7:2 (4:0)


1:0 John McDougall 7'

2:0 John McGregor 32'

3:0 Harry McNeil 39'

4:0 John McDougall 41'

5;0 John McDougall 46'

6:0 Billy MacKinnon 62'

6:1 John Wylie 66'

7:1, Harry McNeil 70'

7:2 Arthur Cursham 77'


Schottland: Robert Gardner (Clydesdale FC, Glasgow), Andrew McIntyre (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria), Tom Vallance (Rangers FC, Glasgow), Charlie Campbell (K) (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), Sandy Kennedy (3rd Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers FC, Glasgow), James Richmond (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), John McGregor (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria), John McDougall (Vale of Leven FC, Glasgow), Thomas Highet (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), Billy MacKinnon (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), Harry McNeil (Queens Park FC, Glasgow). 


England: Conrad Warner (Upton Park FC, London), Jack Hunter (Sheffield Heely FC, Sheffield), Edwaerd Lyttleton (Cambridge University AFC, Cambridge), Beaumont Jarrett (Cambridge University, Cambridge), Norman Bailey (Clapham Rovers FC, London), Arthur Cursham (K) (Notts County FC, Nottingham), Percy Fairclough (Old Foresters FC, London), John Wylie (Wanderers FC, London), HJenry Wace (Wanderers FC, London), Hubert Heron (Wanderers FC, London), Billy Mosforth (The Wednesday FC, Sheffield)


Schiedsrichter: William Dick (Schottland)

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