05. März 1877 . 15:00 - The Racecourse - Wrexham - Wales - Freundschaftsspiel - Zuschauer: 4000


Wales - Schottland 0:2 (0:0)


0:1 Charlie Campbell 55'

0:2 William Evans (Eigentor) 75'


Wales: Thomas Burnett (Ruabon Dreuids FC, Ruabon), William Evans (Oxford University AFC, Oxford), Samuel Kenrick (K) (Ruabon Druids FC, Ruabon), John Morgan (Cambridge University AFC, Oxford), Edwin Cross (Wrexham AFC, Wrexham), William Davies (Oswestry FC, Oswestry), Alfred Davies (Wrexham AFCm Wrexham), John Price (Wrexham AFC, Wrexham), Alexander Jones (Oxford University AFC, Oxford), John Hughes (Cambridge University AFC, Cambridge), George Thomson (Ruabon Druids FC, Ruabon).


Schottland:  Alex McGeoch (Dumbreck FC, Glasgow), Robert Neill (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), Tom Vallence (Rangers FC, Glasgow), James Phillips (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), Charlie Campbell (K) (Queens Park FC Glasgow), John Smith (Mauchline FC, Mauchline), John McGregor (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria), John Ferguson (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria), John McDougall (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria)m Harry McNeil (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), John Hunter (3rd Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers FC, Glasgow).


Schiedsrichter: William Dick (Schottland)

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